What is josh Protocol!
josh Protocol! is the revolutionary computerised registry system that is usable in cloud (thanks to the josh Protocol! Live edition) and on-premises mode. It is scalable and suitable for the management of document and administrative procedure flows of all Public Administrations.
With the term computerised registry system we refer to the set of calculation resources, the equipment, the communication networks and the computer procedures used by the PA for document management. In addition to this definition, Reference Italian legislation (Presidential Decree 445/2000) contains specific indications on the functionalities of a computerised registry system. josh Protocol! provides numerous functions to satisfy the 4 possible levels of creation:
- Minimum Nucleus
- Document Management
- Document WorkFlow
- BPR “Business Process Reengineering”
josh Protocol! optimally exploits integration with Microsoft SharePoint and SharePoint Online too. It is developed in accordance with the latest indications issued by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) and its guidelines, adopted pursuant to article 71 of the Digital Administration Code (CAD), positioning itself in the system as a fundamental technological solution for the digitalisation of Public Administration Bodies and government-owned companies.
josh Protocol! is the ideal tool for public administrations and government-owned companies, for the adoption of a computerised registry with Cloud-First approach, but also for private companies looking to introduce all the rigour and method necessary for the correct management of document flows in their organisation.

josh Protocol! is natively integrated with Microsoft SharePoint technology and with the it Consult josh platform; it covers 4 levels of the DigitPA standard (ex Cnipa ), the Italian agency which sets the standards of all the Public Administration (PA), and its place within the system is that of a fundamental technological solution for starting up – in reality – the modernization process of the PA.
josh Protocol! it is also integrated with the Microsoft 365 cloud platforms (SharePoint Online) and Microsoft Azure, thus allowing different configurations: it can be installed on physical or virtual machines, locally, on the cloud or as a PaaS service (Platform As a Service).
The solution is also available in SaaS (Software As a Service) mode: josh Protocol! Live is the solution available through the purchase of a service that includes software licenses and infrastructure, in which the reliability and security requirements are fully respected.
josh Protocol! allows the recording of incoming/outdoing paper and electronic documents, using a variety of methods: from a dedicated station, via web, via Outlook.
The paper documents are recorded using the josh Scanner tool (integrated into the platform) which allows the acquisition of the document in electronic format, after it has been “registered and stamped” with a bar code and a label has been affixed to the document itself.
The system can also monitor a Certified Electronic Mailbox (an e-mail system that in Italy has the same legal value of the certified mail) by actually integrating the document recording procedure into the normal e-mail system.
Display and management of recorded document

josh Protocol! allows full respect of the requisites for privacy and protection of the public documents collection. Given the flexibility of the authorization policies, the Registering user decides which users/groups have access to the document and how (display only, saving to a local machine, printing of one copy of the document, forwarding via mail). josh Protocol! also offers the possibility of displaying the document properties, the dossier it belongs in and its relation to other documents and/or dossiers present, as well as information on the digital signature, if present.
A simple interface shows the complete list of the records registry which can then be exported and digitally signed in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. Consolidation may by either programmed or manual and, if desired, may be a prelude to the successive phase of Substitutive Conservation of the recorded documents.
josh Protocol! allows the start-up of a process/workflow upon recording: therefore not only the recorded document is made available for consultation by the authorized users, but the system automatically sends the josh process tasks to be performed to those involved. Similarly, the recording interface can be enabled during the execution of a process.
The josh Protocol! components
The functions of the platform are contained in four main sub-systems:
- josh Protocol! WebAdmin – meters can be set, while the register as well as consolidation tasks can all be managed. Organisational Units (OUs) of single HOAs can also be administered, as well as system Users, while authorisations can also be monitored at a register level (role assignment).
- josh Protocol! FrontEnd – Includes all search functionalities and register keeping tasks. Fully integrated (in the on-premises version) with Microsoft SharePoint; the FrontEnd part is what enables all action to be taken on the document, as well as full management and the control of tasks by the authorised user. The User in charge of Registration has full access to assigned documents.
- josh Protocol! Viewer – This component displays entered documents, also available from remote and in the mobile app. Great attention has been paid to the management of authorisations assigned to users: authorises and traces single operations on documents, like printing, local saving, forwarding by email and simple viewing.
- MailManager – Enables the management of email to be entered in the register, from one or more email boxes (certified or institutional email). In addition to manual registry entry, with Mail Manager rules can be defined for each email box, enabling the autonomous processing of all emails that satisfy defined rules. This makes it simpler to filter out any emails that do not need to be entered in the register, or automatically classify those that fulfil certain criteria.

Mobility without compromise
With josh Protocol mobile, registered documents are available anywhere, any time. The app, available for both Android and iOS devices, enables the mobile consultation of registered documents, participation in discussions and the reception of notifications on new assignments, in total security and privacy.
All it Consult software solutions are also available in the cloud environment, both as a PaaS service (Platform As A Service) using Microsoft Azure, and in SaaS mode (Software As a Service).
Consult the Service Level Agreement.