josh InfoSign


josh InfoSign complies with the technical specifications of the new Digital Administration Code (CAD) and supports the following types of digital signatures:

  • DIGITAL SIGNATURE: for this type of signature to be generated it needs a devices such as a smartcard or USB token;
  • REMOTE DIGITAL SIGNATURE: it does not require the use of smartcards or other hardware, a device connected to the internet and an OTP (One Time Password), generated through a special device (Token or Smartphone app), is sufficient;
  • AUTOMATIC SIGNATURE: it is a type of signature that is automatically generated without constant signatory supervision, thus allowing you to sign large volumes of documents simultaneously (for example, signing all active invoices produced daily in the company.)

josh InfoSign supports PDF (PAdES), XML (XAdES) and CAdES (.p7m) formats and is able to directly sign and view documents placed on the Microsoft SharePoint Document Library. The product integrates perfectly with the josh software, josh Protocol! and josh Archive!. The Premium version of josh InfoSign also includes the graphometric signature features making the signature operations simple and natural, just as if the document were paper; it is the ideal tool in situations where a normal digital signature is not possible (perhaps because you do not have a Smartcard) but you want to provide the document with a signature that has full legal value.

josh InfoSign for Outlook

josh InfoSign for Outlook is the add-in that can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store, which allows the following features:

  • Check if the e-mail attachments are signed. For each signed file, the user has the possibility to know the signatory and the possible presence of a time stamp, making this operation much faster and more intuitive.
  • Sign one or more attachments directly from within the e-mail program: Once the documents have been signed, these will be immediately available for reply or forwarding. The user also has the option to choose which files to sign, if there are multiple attachments, and possibly remove those that you do not want to sign.

At the end of the signature, a reply e-mail is opened ready to be sent with the attachments already uploaded, both signed and possibly unsigned ones. With josh InfoSign for Outlook, signing attachments and sending them by e-mail is a much faster and easier operation than before. josh InfoSign must be installed to use this josh InfoSign for Outlook feature. The add-in is supported for Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, Outlook Web and Outlook 2016 for Mac.

Other optional tools

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