josh InfoJam
josh InfoJam in josh Archive!
Dematerialization, an important choice for efficiency because:
- because of its concrete benefits
- it is legal
- it is supported by technology and software
Eliminating paper and replacing it with archived documents in electronic format is possible today with josh Archive! which supports the entire Substitutive Conservation process in full compliance with the legal obligations stated in the legislation in force.
The placement of Digital Signature and Time Stamp on the documents for conservation are the final phases of the Substitutive Conservation process, after which it is finally possible to proceed with the real dematerialization of the documents.
josh Archive! allows the complete and final destruction of paper because the corresponding electronic documents produced by the josh InfoJam tool have the guarantee features required by the law and are therefore conserved substitutively for all rights and purposes.
josh Archive! aims at practicality and ease of use, making these functions available on a massive scale, thus providing an easy to use tool that significantly accelerated the entire process.
The envisioned checks against the exhibition of the conserved documents make it possible to immediately ascertain the state of the Conserved Archive in terms of the placement of the Digital Signature and Time Stamp, and also the validity of the certificates used by the Documents Conservation Manager.
josh InfoJam also provides full support for the generation of SML files for transmitting the Imprints of the Computer Archives to the Internal Revenue Service as envisioned by the legislation in force.
josh InfoJam in josh Protocol!
In order to fully complying with the laws and regulations in force, josh Protocol! adopts an integrated approach to the management of documents which is the fruit of it Consult experience in the field of Document, WorkFlow and Knowledge Management. The platform introduces a set of absolutely innovative functions, including the Substitutive Conservation module, able to make the work of the PA more up-to-date and modern.
For Substitutive Conservation we intend the process which makes it possible to conserve documents solely digitally so that they do not deteriorate and will be available over time in their integrity and authenticity.
josh Protocol! allows the Substitutive Conservation of the documents recorded in compliance with the indications provided in Cnipa Resolution no. 11, February 19, 2004: Explicative notes on the technical rules for the reproduction and conservation of documents on optic support.
Using the josh InfoJam tool, part of the platform, it is possible to affix a digital signature and time stamp on the recorded documents archive automatically created upon the generation of the records registry. The affixing of Digital Signature and Time Stamp on the recorded documents to be conserved is the concluding action of the Substitutive Conservation process after which it is finally possible to proceed with the real dematerialization of the documents: the electronic documents produced by the josh InfoJam tool possess the guarantee characteristics required by the norm and are therefore conserved in a substitutive manner for all rights and purposes.