About us
it Consult is the leading software house in Italy in the Microsoft environment for services and development of software platforms for Organization Intelligence, i.e Business Process, Workflow, Document and Knowledge Management and in areas like legal Case Management, Document Archiving and Digital Substitutive Conservation.
Innovation is the guideline that strongly characterizes the way it Consult does business.
We’ve long grown since that, becoming one of the very few prominent companies in our field. Our value has been recognized nationally and across the borders, by our domestic and international customers and partners.
We are the ones behind josh and the josh product suite. Our products are trusted by major organizations and corporations: public and private enterprises use our products daily.
The discipline of Organization Intelligence, on which it Consult’s activity is centered, makes it possible to model, develop and enhance the intelligence of each Organization, using processes that govern it, individual and collective competences necessary for executing it and the content that constitute the output.
The it Consult principles are concentrate on:

- the centrality of people: a company is, first and foremost, the expression of the individuals that constitute it;
- intensifying and enhancing the skills;
- the absolute value of the professionalisms that make up the organization;
- permanent training, knowledge sharing, continuous innovation;
- the enthusiasm and involvement of the people who make up the company.
- Products and services resulting from these suppositions cannot but be excellent.
it Consult’s objectives are directed at creating technological tools and frameworks in support of companies in the process of migrating towards new organizational models which are characterized by great dynamism and by the exasperation of competition and suited to the scenarios of the global economy.
This is the it Consult mission: “Creating market standard software platforms for Organization Intelligence”.